Welcome to Westmark!
Frequently Asked Questions
As of March 2024, we have two gatherings.
9:15 AM: Sunday School & First Gathering
10:45 AM: Children's Church & Second Gathering
Westmark has Sunday School available for all ages during our first gathering.
During both gatherings, we have a nursery available for 0-5 years old.
At Westmark, we believe in Family Growing Together.
That's the easiest and best way to describe us. As a family we have different generations, different styles, different opinions, but we're still one Family.
There will be greeters at the door who will be sure to direct you to a check-in station if you have children. If not, there will always be coffee & breakfast foods available in the lobby before gatherings!
We welcome any questions or concerns. You can reach Pastor Noah directly at PastorNoah@WestmarkChurch.org or email office@westmarkchurch.org for general inquiries.

Brittany Meyers
"And finally I have learned that there is so much to gain from having a community to help you grow with God. A community that will be there when you fall and genuinely cares about helping you back up. It may seem scary, or you may feel unworthy to take that next step in your journey with God, but if this sinner deserves to stand up here, and be welcomed into a community like Westmark, then you do too."

Ella Brown
"When I understood that the relationship with Jesus was supposed to be between me and him, and that there didn't need to be anything or anyone between us, I experienced a desire to talk with Him and to better understand His plans for me. I became the version of myself that I always looked forward to being."

Kuck Family
"Membership is a step of faith, and part of that step is growing in accountability with other members.